


  • 2014~2018: 中国地质大学(武汉)地球物理学专业,获得学士学位
  • 2015~2018: 辅修武汉大学计算科学与技术专业,获得辅修证书
  • 2018至今: 中国科学院大学综合地球物理学专业硕士研究生在读,研究方向为电磁方法

  • 获奖经历

  • 2018: “华为杯”第十五届中国研究生数学建模竞赛国家二等奖(top|10%)
  • 2017: 2017年全国大学生数学建模竞赛国家二等奖(top|4%)
  • 2017: 2017 年中国地质大学校级优秀学生
  • 2017: “东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛三等奖
  • 2017: 湖北省第六届大学生艺术节器乐类甲组一等奖
  • 2017: 中国地质大学英才“院士”奖学金
  • 2016: “想把我唱给你听”校园歌手大赛十强及最佳青春奖

  • 技能掌握与学习

  • 地球物理方面: 地球物理各方法:重力、磁法、电(磁)法、地震方法的基本原理;D-InSAR数据处理技术
  • 计算机技术: 正在学习中:Matlab Java Ruby(on rails) Python;正在学习中:模式识别及机器学习不同方法的原理及应用
  • 其他: 吉他、打击类乐器、GIC翡翠鉴定师

  • 玩儿

  • bilibili: 我也是一位b站up主,ID:泯而好学。传送门
  • Dota2: 玩了十年的游戏,伴随了我的整个青春,老矣,成为云玩家了。
  • 运动: 最喜欢游泳!2019年的年度重大计划专项:增肌减脂!

  • Look up at the stars and keep your feet on the ground.
    Hello!I am MinLi.Why is the home page called GeoMTMan?Because my current research direction is magnetotelluric sounding (MT), a geophysical method to explore the earth's internal structure and oil and gas resources.At the same time, I am also learning the application technology of machine learning and pattern recognition, hoping to combine artificial intelligence and magnetotelluric force and make innovations.


  • 2014~2018: Bachelor degree in geophysics from China university of geosciences (wuhan)
  • 2015~2018: Minored in computer science and technology of wuhan university, and obtained the minor certificate
  • 2018 till now: Master of comprehensive geophysics, university of Chinese academy of sciences, majoring in MT

  • Awards And Honor

  • 2018: Second prize of the 15th "huawei cup" national mathematical modeling contest for postgraduates(top|10%)
  • 2017: Second prize of national mathematical modeling contest for college students in 2017(top|4%)
  • 2017: 2017 outstanding student of China university of geosciences
  • 2017: Third prize in "Oriental cup" national college students exploration geophysics competition
  • 2017: The first prize of instrumental music group a of the 6th college students art festival in hubei province
  • 2017: "Academician" scholarship of China university of geosciences
  • 2016: "Want to sing me to you" campus singer contest top ten and best youth award

  • Skills

  • Geophysical aspects: Geophysical methods: basic principles of gravity, magnetic, electric (magnetic), and seismic methods; D-insar data processing technology
  • Computer technology: Learning:Matlab Java Ruby(on rails) Python;Learning:Principles and applications of different approaches to pattern recognition and machine learning
  • Others: Guitar, percussion instruments, GIC jade appraiser

  • Fun

  • bilibili: My bilibili ID:泯而好学.portal
  • Dota2: Played the game for ten years, with my whole youth, become a cloud player now.
  • Sports: Love swimming! 2019 year's major plan special: muscle gain and fat loss!